MHHD offers one-on-one Credit Counseling to anyone who is interested in improving, establishing, or rebuilding their credit. Having a solid credit score is crucial when securing loans or credit cards or buying a new home, car, or other large purchases. Credit scores can also affect your insurance rates, ability to rent apartments or vehicles, purchase cell phones, and more. Considering that one in 5 individuals have errors on their credit report, credit counseling could benefit everyone.
Your Credit Counselor will access your credit report via a trimerge “soft pull” and will explain how to navigate and understand the report (demystify it). The discussion will include a personalized explanation on how to build credit; how to reduce debt; what constitutes a good/excellent credit score and how to attain it.
If you are interested in this service email us at or call 228-896-1945.
For payment of credit counseling services, CLICK HERE.
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